Modeling, Forecasting & Predictive Analysis

Representing the benchmark
R&K Solutions represents the benchmark for facility maintenance cost analysis. Applying industry standards licensed from Means©, BOMA© and our own facility-specific research, we have developed models which our clients use to not only calculate projected sustainment and operations costs but to forecast the impacts of failure to maintain facilities. This forecast includes associated penalty costs brought about by degrading facilities.
We have packaged our analyses and procedures into working models that our clients use to provide customized reporting to protect and justify their facility budget needs. For over two decades, our Facility Sustainment Model has been used by the Department of Defense (DoD) and all Military Departments and DoD Agencies.
Whether you have a single large complex building, like a warehouse or hotel, or an extensive real property portfolio, like a medical or university campus, our proven processes will give you clarity on the costs and impacts of funding, or not funding, at the required level.
Models can help your organization in numerous ways.
Identify future business requirements based on your organization's data:
- Use forecasts that incorporate your historical data and consider organization-specific factors that create variance to improve accuracy beyond industry data trends
- Leverage predictive analysis to optimize current and future space utilization, enhance budget planning, improve risk assessment and identify cost saving opportunities.
Provide efficient resource allocation strategies - defensible to all stakeholders:
- Incorporate an auditable methodology for project prioritization into your decision-making that objectively supports organizational missions and goals
- Use a multi-criteria decision analysis process that allows for different priorities at different levels for an optimal allocation strategy
- Rely on proven statistical models and analytical techniques to provide consistent, defensible decisions with quantitative support
Start improving your portfolio management with R&K
Get in contact and a representative will reach out to answer any questions.
Contract Examples

Maintenance & Update of Department of Defense Facility Budget Models:
Since 2000, R&K Solutions has been developing facilities sustainment cost factors for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Energy, Installation, & Environment (OSAD (EI&E)). R&K's expertise in the modeling of facilities-related requirements and sustainment costs remains second to none. R&K has been the sole contractor for the Department of Defense (DoD) Facility Sustainment Model (FSM) and Sustainment Unit Costs (SUCs) which are used in the development of the Program objectives Memorandum (POM) for all Services.
R&K developed the initial FSM and have supported data collection, business rule development, unit costs development, data processing, and outputs of the FSM since its inception. The generation of a successful FSM requires a thorough understanding of DoD's Real Property Inventory, expertise in maintaining all categories of military facilities, knowledge of the Services' unique policies and priorities and the ability to develop an adaptable software solution. The final output is accurate and auditable, and used in programming sustainment and restoration costs for DoD's inventory of more than half a million individual facilities.
For OASD (EI&I), R&K also produces a predictive Facilities Degradation Model (FDM) for portfolio-level budget forecasting. The model quantifies the effect of funding shortfalls in terms of declining facility condition and additional future sustainment and restoration costs. From real property databases, FDM draws details on trends in facility degradation available while accounting for known gaps in reporting that can cause outliers in the historical trends.
Washington Headquarters Services (WHS)
R&K assists WHS in developing and defending long range resource planning by providing forecasts of sustainment and operations requirements, and developing a methodology documenting planned new construction and analyzing the facility degradation impact resulting from less than full funding.

Defense Health Agency (DHA)
R&K provides Facilities Sustainment Model (FSM) support to the Defense Health Agency/Facilities Division (DHA/FAC) of the Military Health System (MHS) by assisting in the coordination, compilation and submission of MHS facilities-related data and other inputs for the DoD FSM and other DoD facility budget programs/processes that are related to forecasting preventative and corrective maintenance across the facilities portfolio. This project includes the analysis of FSM results to identify and facilitate constantly improving budget modeling. The DHA inventory database is also reviewed, assessed and updated for those data that are inputs to the FSM or related to such data.