Real Property
Consolidate all real property information to provide a comprehensive understanding of portfolio performance.

Tailor your Real Property business solution to your needs. GoRPM provides solutions for any industry, including:
- Federal Government
- State and Local Government
- Healthcare
- Higher Education
- Corporate
- Corporate
Leverage systems and any number of data sets, including geospatial information, through integration. Use GoRPM's barcode-scanner and location tracking to rapidly capture and integrate asset inventory data.
Transform your data by applying analysis and modeling to quickly acquire the business intelligence you need for improved portfolio management.
Manage real property information precisely as you choose, according to your unique organizational hierarchy, data sets, attributes, and desired level of granularity. Manage data such as ownership, location, type, condition, size, leases, space use, photos, and related documents.

In Action

Manage your portfolio at a global level
Work with your assets at a regional level

Explore data at a site or campus level
View details for all facility information

Edit details for your facilities
Locate your assets relative to your position using GPS

Capture and search real property using barcode scanning
Want to see more?

The GoRPM® Enterprise Software helps organizations collect, analyze, and manage data on real and personal property, supporting data-driven decisions.

DISA granted DoD provisional authorization for GoRPM SaaS with managed services at data impact level 4.