Operations & Maintenance

Consolidate operations and maintenance information from a variety of systems and formats, to serve as a single source of truth for decision-making.

In Action

Compare Critical Metrics to Guide Decision-Making:

Key Performance Indicators

Schedule, Manage and Report Work Orders by Activity:

Preventative Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
General Work Order

Visualize Work Orders by Asset Type and Locations:

Real Property Assets
Personal Property Assets
Cost Centers

Visualize and Manage Room Services:

Other Data

Access Reporting Information:

Navigate to Data via Lists, Maps, and GoRPM's Multifaceted Search Feature
Ad Hoc Reporting
Standard Reports
Customized Reports Based on Client Requirements

Manage and Report a Variety of Facilities Information:

Floor, Wall and Ceiling Finishes
Room Services
Evacuation Routes and Gathering Locations
Fire Hydrants and Siamese Connections
Utility Cut-Offs
Site Utilities
Site Lighting

Gauge Facilities Performance:

Maintenance Costs
Energy Costs
Total Operating Costs
Operating Cost Intensities

Want to see more?

FedRAMP logo
FedRAMP® Moderate Authorized:

The GoRPM® Enterprise Software helps organizations collect, analyze, and manage data on real and personal property, supporting data-driven decisions.

Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) logo
DoD Provisional Authorization at IL 4:

DISA granted DoD provisional authorization for GoRPM SaaS with managed services at data impact level 4.

Case Studies & White Papers